Another school year is almost over, and what a year it was! Kudos to all the teachers and school administrators who put their best foot forward, pivoted to new classroom technology and met many challenges head-on. And congratulations to the students and parents who also did their best to keep up with the changing landscape of online classes, hybrid classes, or in-person classes following strict safety guidelines. Yes, it has been challenging, but it’s almost summer, and you can relax. Not so fast, juniors! While you can take time to go to the pool and visit with friends in a more open environment, there is still work to do if you plan to attend college after you graduate. Here are a few summer tips to keep you on track.
Summer Tip #1: Prepare a brag sheet and give it to your teachers to get a head start on writing your letter of recommendation.
Summer Tip #2: Start preparing to write your personal statements and application essays this summer!
Summer Tip #3 Shows demonstrated interest. Reach out to colleges on your list. Talk to an admission counselor. Take a tour of the campus. Or view the college through virtual tours.
Summer Tip #4 Register to take the ACT/SAT. While most schools are test-optional, and ACT/SAT score is still helpful for scholarships.
Summer Tip #5 Look for a job or internship this summer in a field that aligns with an interested major.
Summer Tip #6 Sign up for volunteer hours to complete over the summer
Summer Tip #7 Prepare a resume to attach to your college application.
Summer Tip #8 ApplyTexas and the Common app open on August 1, 2021. You can create your account now.
If you need assistance staying on track this summer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.